Saturday, February 11, 2017

Advantages and Disadvantages to Using Replacement Ink in Your Printers

Replacement ink being added to an ink cartridge by a reputable cartridge refill center.
When the ink in your printer runs low or becomes empty, you now have the option of either purchasing a brand new ink cartridge or using replacement ink to refill your empty cartridge.

  • Replacement ink is cheap, easy, and can be inserted by a reputable sales center or at home, however, it is not without risks.
  • Some disadvantages to using replacement ink in your printer include poor ink quality, damage to your printer, printer errors, cartridge failure, and ink stains; some of which can lead to costly ink jet printer repairs, if you are not careful.

What is Replacement Ink?

Replacement ink comes in a small container and can be purchased from just about any store that sells office supplies. Once your present ink cartridge becomes empty, you simply fill a syringe with ink, or use a syringe attachment, to refill the empty ink cartridge.

Refillable ink comes in a variety of different brands and can be used to refill just about any ink cartridge. The ink can be inserted by a reputable cartridge refill center or by yourself. However, for best results, it is recommended that you have your ink refilled by a reputable refill center to avoid laser printer repairs.

Advantages to Using Replacement Ink

  • Cheaper to Replace - The biggest advantage to using replacement ink is that it is cheaper than purchasing a brand new cartridge. Refillable ink can equal a fraction of the cost of purchasing a new cartridge, and it often contains multiple refills.

  • Environmentally Friendly - Using replacement ink to refill your printer, instead of purchasing a new one, eliminates the need to throw your old ink cartridge away. This means less non biodegradable material and less toxic waste in the landfill.

  • Easy to Refill - Refillable ink is fairly easy to insert. In as little as 3-4 easy steps, you can have a full ink cartridge again.

Disadvantages to Using Replacement Ink

  • Poor Ink Quality - Refillable ink usually contains lower quality ink to help lower the cost. This low quality may not be as evident in regular printing tasks, however, it is most evident in photographs. When printing photos with low quality ink, images may not be as vivid as those printed with high quality ink, and it my not last as long.

  • Printer Damage - Refilled ink cartridges can leak as a result of overflow or an improperly replaced puncture seal. If the ink spills down into the printer, it can clog the printer head. The risk of leakage is especially true, if you opt to refill the cartridge yourself. According to experts, instructions for refilling the cartridge can sometimes recommend too much ink, which in turn, can result in an overflow. If your cartridge does leak as a result, in most cases, it will not be covered by the warranty, which can lead to costly laser printer repairs.

  • Printer Errors - When using replacement ink, there is always the risk that your printer may reject the cartridge, which can happen for a number of different reasons. A worn out cartridge can sometimes have a faulty read that the ink is too low or the cartridge is incompatible. Some printers will reject a repeated serial number on a cartridge, which means, when you replace the refilled cartridge back into the printer, the printer might reject it.

  • Cartridge Failure - Though most replacement ink products contain multiple refills, refilled cartridges can only be used about 5 times, before the printer head fails. This means you'll eventually have to invest in a new ink cartridge.

  • Ink Stains - Working with replacement ink can be messy. As you insert the ink into the cartridge, you run the risk of ink spilling onto your work station and staining your furniture, clothing, or documents. The ink can also stain your hands and fingernails, which isn't very attractive.

  • Costly Ink Jet Printer Repairs - Anytime an unskilled or untrained person attempts to perform repairs on a printer, there is always the risk of an accident. These accidents can range from personal injury to product injury and can be mild or severe. To avoid costly repairs, have your printer properly repaired by a licensed professional, whenever possible.

Ultimately, it is recommend that you only use the recommended manufacturer printer cartridges for your printers. This practice has proven to be a long-term solution for better print quality and less damage to your printers.

Dominick Rivoli is the owner of A1 Rivoli,
top office equipment and computer service and repair specialists for the Long Island, NY Nassau, and Western Suffolk areas.

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